

How to make “Tuna sandwich with Thai Chilli Paste” easy healthy breakfast!

MEDIA Post : 29.05.2020   |   5925

Eating breakfast is really important to start your quality day even in hustle morning. To help you start your morning right, try “Tuna sandwich with Thai Chilli Paste” menu just a few ingredients with no seasoning required. Let‘s Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free help you create delicious heathy breakfast.

Ingredients for “Tuna sandwich with Thai Chilli Paste”


1. 6 slices bread

2. 6 slices cheddar cheese

3. 50g mozzarella cheese

4. 100g canned tuna 

5. 100g Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free

6. spring onion for decorate


STEP 1 : Prepare breads

-  Cut each slice of bread to square bite size then spread with Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free. Top with cheddar cheese and do the same for 2 layers and place mozzarella cheese on topmost.

- Put the prepared bread in microwave oven at 400-600 watt for 1 minute or until cheese is melted then set aside.


  Scoop Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste                   Top with cheddar cheese

   Sugar Free to spread on bread


STEP 2 : Prepare Tuna mixture

- Put tuna and Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free for 100g in mixing bowl and mixing together.



          Put tuna in mixing bowl                   Mix tuna and Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste

                                                                          Sugar Free together


STEP 3 : Prepare to serve

- Prepare the sandwich with tuna mixture on top and then add spring onion for decoration. Your breakfast is READY!


     Top with spring onion for decorate          “Tuna sandwich with Thai Chilli Paste”

                                                                                is ready! 


Are you ready?
Follow the easy step to your quality breakfast “Tuna sandwich with Thai Chilli Paste” which has Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free as secret recipe. Start your WFH day with easy healthy menu, sweet taste but sugar worry free. Maepranom Thai Chilli Paste Sugar Free available at department store, supermarket or online channel by inbox Fb : maepranom and Line : @maepranombrand. For more information about Maepranom products please follow the below detail.
Facebook: maepranom
IG : maepranombrand
Website : www.maepranom.com
Line :@maepranombrand 




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